This section is for those folks, as Peter Gabriel said, "whose minds are as healthy as their bodies". Clearly, humans do not live by computers alone. The resident dissident urges one and all to get out there and expand your lungs! Although most of the software and related items are aimed at runners, they can be used by cyclists, triathletes, cross-country skiers, or just about anyone engaged in endurance sports.
ABC's of HRM An overview of Heart Rate Monitoring; a novel training technique.
Easy Recipes for Endurance Athletes A few of my favorite ways to fuel and refuel.
Quick, Easy and Cheap Sports Drink How to make your own sports drink with little fuss and low cost.
Treadmills: A Primer Everything you ever wanted to know about running on treadmills, including what to look for and training tips.
All dissidents athletics software was created by the resident dissident for his own use, and is available to you, free! (35k)
A graphical Windows-based (95/98/XP/etc.) calculator for pace and race time (with splits). Most recent version adds more pace output formats including MPH, km/h, feet/sec, and meters/sec. Freely redistributable. Example results shown below. Also available as a somewhat larger (70k) self-extracting zip file for those who don't have an unzip utility (download and execute): pracezip.exe (35k)
An equivalent race time and training pace calculator based on the work and VDOT concept of Jack Daniels, PhD. (see his books Running Formula and Oxygen Power for details). Runs under Windows 95/98/XP/etc. Example results shown below. Latest version adds paces per mile and per km from original test perfermance. Also available as a somewhat larger (70k) self-extracting zip file for those who don't have an unzip utility (download and execute): VDOTerzip.exe