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How to Obtain Our Neat Stuff

1. Download the software in which you're interested. These downloads are free and you're under no obligation what-so-ever to purchase anything. The programs are fully functional as is. There are no ads, subscriptions or other devices hooked into the software.Yes, you read that right. For a long time we offered titles in the commercial world at the "going rates" which typically varied between $50 and $300 for our products. We don't do that anymore. You can read about our decision to make all of our titles freeware in the FAQ

2. If and when you've decided that our neat stuff is truly useful, we simply suggest a modest donation further development and support of free and open resources. Totally on the honor system. Let your conscience be your guide. 


At one time we used to take direct donations from folks who liked the software, books and other resources found here. After a while we started to re-donate those funds to other not-for-profit organizations that made software tools that we found useful. These days we think it would be easier to not be a middleman, and simply suggest that you support one of the many organizations/individuals that create open source tools or who work to keep the 'net open and free. Some ones we like include Arduino, Open Office, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Mozilla. If you donate, we'd appreciate an email letting us know that you did.



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